Asti Wineの生産地はピエモンテ州(イタリア北西部)のアルプス山脈の麓に位置し、自然が豊かで世界的にもワインで有名なところです。
Asti は甘口のスパークリングワインです。
もしもワイン選びに迷ったなら、一度Asti wine をお試しください。
Have you ever been unsure about which wine to choose in the Costco wine section?
I like sweet and easy-to-drink wines, so let me introduce some to you.
Asti wine is produced in the Piadmont region, located at the foot of the Alps in northwestern Italy.
It is a place rich in nature and globally renowned for its wine production.
Asti is a sweet sparkling wine!
Moscato has a refreshing Muscat aroma and is a very easy-to-drink wine.
If you’re ever unsure about which wine to choose, give Asti wine a try.